Grog and Vittles

Food and Spirits by an Vegetarian in Atlanta

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Quickiefood: Park Picnic Pasta

  • Elbow Noodles
  • Bag of Defrosted Quorn
  • Sun Dried Tomatoes (In oil)
  • Queen Anne (aka Green) olives
  • EVOO (aka pretentious green olive oil)
  • Gouda (aka Cheese given to us at Xmas)
  • Dried Thyme
  • Fresh Ground Black Pepper
  • Salt
  • Garlic Powder
  • Flaky Parm (aka Cheese leftover from who knows what)
We used an electic water boiler to quickly get some water to 212. We used our big pot to hold 4 pitchers full of water, then threw enough pasta for two in. We dabbled a little EVOO in to stop foam ups. After the pasta was al dente (doesn't feel soft, yet isn't hard or bad tasting), we strained it in our colander.

While the water was cooking the pasta, we sliced up some sun dried tomatoes into raisin sized bits, threw in some sliced green olives. We shredded the gouda with a box grater. We pulled a bag of quorn tenders out of the fridge and microwaved them (quorn is a chickenish fake meat made out of mushroom roots).

We throw these items in with the pasta and drizzled EVOO over the pasta. We stirred, then mixed in spices, then put it into two plastic containers and put some of the cheeses (also grated while the water was cooking the pasta).

After uncorking a bottle of wine (Barefoot Merlot), we then stuck the stopper back in. We threw that recorked bottle and two solo cups into a Ikea bag with 2 plastic forks and a blanket to sit on. We threw a couple boxes of golden raisins in for desert, then walked over to the park for some time to enjoy our dinner with the puppy in the park.

Total Quickiefood Couch to Sidewalk time: 21 minutes




  • At 8:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Didja notice that suddenly this weekend the park was smoker central? Primarily marijuana. . . . I don't really care if people smoke up, but the clouds of smoke combined with the heat and smog didn't make my run/walk through the park any easier. Blech.

    I'm assuming you're talking about Piedmont Park, anyway. You could've been at any of a variety of parks. :)

  • At 9:20 PM, Blogger Michael Langford said…

    We went right after sundown, by then, the smoke had cleared, per se.

    I noticed some week smokers over St. Patties weekend.

    And yes, I live next to piedmont park.



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